Friday, February 3, 2012

The Year of Renewal

I have dubbed 2012 "The Year of Renewal". No resolutions this year, just a key word to guide me throughout the coming months.

Renewal is something I desperately need. I need renewed health, renewed faith, renewed vision, and my spirit is crying out for renewal. The last few years have been filled with trials, learning, struggling, brokenness, healing, redemption, blessings, more trials and more learning, and a realization that I need to STOP doing and START being.

Mark 6:31b(NIV), "he said to them, 'Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.' Jesus realized that the work was wearing and a time of renewal was needed in order to go on. 

I forget this. I've been going, going, going like the Energizer Bunny for so long, I've even forgotten HOW to rest. Notice what the verse says - 'by yourself', 'quiet place', 'rest'. It doesn't say 'take a five min. break', nor does it say 'go til you drop'. It says REST. 

For me, renewal begins when I sit and rest at the feet of God. When I seek accountability and support from my friends and family. When I quit striving and worrying and doing. When I just stop. I used to see the label 'energizer bunny' as a wonderful testament to my ability to juggle it all. Now I see it as a sad testimony to how I've been living.

So, I've adjusted my diet, made my health a priority, set realistic goals, created a 'not-to-do' list, cut out all my 'good' outside activities, and am resting finally. Until this year I never thought I 'deserved' a rest. This is a lie from the best deceiver I've ever met.

Is this a daily battle for me? Absolutely. I'm a doer....a type-A....a control-freak....a workaholic. I'm also broken...exhausted...worn out...weary. "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." (James 1:22, NIV) While I realize there is more to this passage, I think it applies to the area of rest just the same. The Bible makes it clear that God intended we rest, refresh, renew...He even designated a whole day for just that! 

So this year, I'm going to focus on renewing my mind, my spirit, my body, my faith. I'm going to focus on the Creator and His promises. I'm going to rest and refresh and renew and let go of lies. 

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Such a fun title right? Just invites one to read more. I read something today that really stuck with me though. It was about the pandemi...