Wednesday, June 13, 2012


It seems like forever since I've been on here, but really it's just been over a week.

We've been in super busy mode though for awhile now. We've launched our home business & my daughter's jewelry is just amazing! She is so very talented it blows me away. It seems that not only does she have a tremendous capacity for caring for others, she also has a creativity that makes mine look kind of sad. :)

I launched another home business at the same time....crazy I am...but I'm so thrilled with the doors that God has opened for each and every thing we're doing! He literally shoved them wide & is already blessing us abundantly with new friends & opportunities!

Work has finally settled some, even in the midst of summer reading programs, software changes, and many other projects. The garden is trying to grow, but the bugs are trying to prevent it. I have decided that the bugs MUST DIE! They are eating all the leaves off now it's time for the poison.

Ministry is moving ahead just as fast. God is opening doors here too, and we're going to walk through them as He opens them. I'm amazed at all that He's doing & the way He's doing it! Wowsers!! My daughter's missions trip is right around the corner, & we're thrilled that God provided all the funds & she's set to go! Plus, just after we turned in her check, she was offered a part-time babysitting job....God is just so faithful!

I think sometimes we forget to see our blessings. In fact, I think there are many times where we fall prey to the schemes of the devil & can only see the hard, negative stuff. We overlook the simple blessings right in front of us. Every night before dinner, my husband thanks God that we have food to eat, a table to eat at, a family to eat with, and the time to enjoy it. Aren't these really the things that matter? Maybe there not so little after all?

I don't have a million jobs because I'm crazy or because I fear boredom, or even because I'm still a workaholic. I do all the things I do because I'm passionate about each one. I want to be able to stretch our budget & provide nutritious fruit & veggies for my family; I want to encourage my daughter's creativity & give her a quality education at the same time; I enjoy spending time in my studio being creative & creating useful things; I enjoy girl time & pampering & reminding women to slow down & enjoy; I'm here to use the gifts & abilities God has given me to help Him with whatever He needs - not because He needs my help, but because He enjoys it when I participate.

I'm just thankful for the blessings God has given, the doors He continues to open, and the constant reminder of His faithfulness - if God is for us, who can be against us?!?!

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Such a fun title right? Just invites one to read more. I read something today that really stuck with me though. It was about the pandemi...