Monday, July 11, 2016

I'm A Writer

So here is a funny story for you - I write. This is where you wonder what is funny and how that is a story.

I suppose I should expand a bit on the story part. I write a blog. Not feeling it yet? That's okay, neither am I.

Here is what happened: I spent the better part of last week in what I shall call 'creative duress'. I was both overwhelmed with creative ideas, and exhausted by creative ideas. There was simply too much going on in my head!

To create a semblance of order, I decided to embark on TWO IG challenges involving lettering. I strive to become a better hand-letterer so this was a good way to practise, right? And, since they were IG challenges, I did not have to 'think'. The prompts were already there.

At the same time, a friend of mine is been doing a bible journaling devotional. I had opted not to do this same devotional, as I have been hoarding my dollars for some other projects I have been working on.

Anyway, what she was doing was overlapping with what I was finding during one of the lettering challenges. (How does that happen?)

Now to the 'funny' part. (Actually, it is more ironic than humorous, but stay with me!) Someone stopped to visit with me on Saturday. This was a welcome break from my steamer trunk makeover (you can check out that journey here on my IG account).

As we were chatting, she mentioned that she too was learning, struggling, going through the same type of lessons my friend and I were for the week. And then it happened - she mentioned that she had felt prompted to do some writing - and said something to the effect of, 'we'll you're a writer, you have a blog'.

The irony of this - I actually have written and been published, as a newspaper columnist, but I don't think of myself as a 'writer'. Nor do I think blogging is the same as writing. Yes, I am writing something for someone else to read, and essentially self-publishing in a public forum. No, I don't write books.

Authors are writers and they write books. Not blogs, not newspaper columns.

Truthfully though, I have written a book or two. (Insert loud gasping noises here please!) Sixteen years ago I wrote and self-published a Unit Study for homeschoolers. And then didn't do anything with it. I was young, insecure, and didn't have the amazing resources that are available today.

Last year, I wrote a short story, complete with editing by another person. And didn't do anything with it. I was young, insecure, had amazing resources available. Did I mention I was insecure?

Of course, there is also that niggling, bothering, I once wrote it in my journal, feeling, that God has been on me to do a bit more writing. He's been fairly specific over the years too. I have not done it for a pile of reasons - the big one? I am insecure!!!!!!!!!

Then last night, the bible journaling friend, mentioned that she too was feeling prompted to write more. She was also feeling insecure about it. We chatted for a bit about what was it that was causing us both to feel so unsure about doing something that we both actually DO?

We did not come up with any good answers. In fact, I can't say as any of the three of us have any good answers for why we aren't just doing what we feel like we should do. Other than that word again - insecurity!

I suppose this blog should be titled 'insecurity'. That doesn't really fit though, as it as a process I am trying to work through in this area of writing.

This is my first step in that process - putting it out there that I AM A WRITER. I write something for other people to read.

The next step is working up the courage to re-edit and publish my Unit Study, and get my short story out there. This step could take awhile!!!!

Until I get to step two, I shall continue to encourage my friends to start writing, and continue coming back here to share my thoughts. I will continue to practise my hand-lettering, and I will continue to stay secure in the areas I like the most, and I will continue to make new excuses!!!

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Such a fun title right? Just invites one to read more. I read something today that really stuck with me though. It was about the pandemi...