What better place to read about rest, than in bed!!
I was blessed to have received an advanced copy to read through and I can honestly say, that is a great thing!
Initially, I was enthusiastic to read it, as I've been on a journey of learning rest and balance. It seemed, just by the title alone, "Whispers of Rest", that this would be a great addition to my journey.
Excitedly I began reading all Bonnie's posts, following her on FB and IG, and watching for some of the information that was coming. It must have been a 'God-thing' that I missed the part of the book, clearly stated, about soul care and God's love.
While these are great additional topics, I got a bit nervous. I've been praying for some pretty big miracles, and some pretty big healing. God had already been responding, so the idea that there might be more was a little scary for me. Do not ask me why, because I couldn't have told you if I tried....and still can't!
Here is one of the quotes I saw :

Eye-opener number 1! I was going to have to explore the idea that I was WORTH rest. Ugh!!!
Man, talk about messing with me!! Now, read another:
The word beloved really caught in my throat! It seems to carry so much more weight and meaning and value.
Did you catch it? Jesus ENCOURAGES rest despite being busy!!!!! I like busy, it is distracting from feeling sometimes. And just like that, I realized that God had much bigger plans for me, and that I was indeed going to have to face the idea that He loved me, and I was going to find more healing!
I finally receive the book, and begin courageously reading it. You guys... oh my! I discovered a completely new way of looking at rest, God's love, my value, and so much more!
Not only could I relate to the idea of allowing 'busy' to be my constant companion, I could also relate to the idea that I had always believed that love came from accomplishment...in other words, could God love me just because He did?
I explored flawed ideas about God and myself. I discovered hurts I was hiding from Him. I learned that God can do the most amazing things, if we would just sit and listen for those whispers of love and rest.
I began to start taking better care of myself, cutting out busy, and really focusing on truths I had previously ignored. Sometimes it is 'easier' to believe a lie, than to believe a truth. Sometimes the shouts are hard to ignore so you can hear the whispers.
If you are in a season of life where you are feeling tired, drained, overwhelmed, in need of refreshment, I encourage you to take the first intentional step of taking care of yourself - grab this book!
I can honestly say that just spending that few minutes with God every day is a beautiful pause, and it has brought so much joy to my soul!!!
I invite YOU to join myself and others, for an amazing time of community this June, as we start Book Club! Be sure to visit www.whispersofrest.com for all the information and to order YOUR copy of this amazing book and take advantage of all the FREE resources you'll receive!! Invite a friend (or 5) to join you on this journey and find some joy for themselves!!
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