The garden struggled for a little bit, mostly due to the lack of spring arriving in the Midwest. We went straight from snow to 95 degrees in a matter of 48 hours. Then it would not stop raining. Now in August we have seemingly spring/early summer weather. Talk about confusing the plants!
I have been running to keep up with everything that has been going on in life. Honestly, there was some running from God too.
See, a pile of months ago, God began speaking to me about a few things. Things He wanted me to do. I was willing, but hesitant in a few of these areas. I had some concerns you see. So, I told Him, and I sat back to wait for clarity, confirmation, and boldness.
When some of these requests seemed to go unheard, I realized I probably just needed to move forward. I did not really want to. So I went with the busy to make sure I was properly distracted and consumed of course.
This week, God ended all that running. I broke my foot. I have been grounded. By God. I found it humorous and ironic and ridiculous.
So, I sat. I rested. I ate, I napped, I got up and I got some stuff done. Then He spoke loudly. This was part of His best plan for me. I can not drive away, run away, or even walk away. I can hobble. I can use my smart-phone. I can accomplish some things, but not others. I can study and pray and think and plan.
I do not usually over-spiritualize things. Sometimes flat tires are just flat tires. They don't fit into the schemes of the devil or Gods plan. We live in a fallen world, filled with nails that puncture tires.
This time however, God clearly spoke that this was part of the plan. He didn't break my foot, but He knew it was going to happen, and He let it, and He intended it be useful for what He wants accomplished.
The day after I broke my foot, I found a flaw in my computer charger - the cable snapped. It would not work for anything. This was even more humorous as part of God's direction and path for me requires my computer. So I sat some more. Then I found the tape, attempted a fix, and hoped for the best. Today is the first day I have been able to get it to work as it should.
So here I am. Blogging about how God can and will use any set of circumstances He wants to accomplish His plan. It may seem funny, or annoying, or even painful to us in the moment. BUT, if we can roll with it (or even just hobble with it!), it can be one of the coolest things we experience!
I may not be enjoying some of the required rest and caution....especially since the garden is busy being useful finally...but I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. I am refocusing and not running and not arguing.
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