Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fruit Salad Smoothie

To quote Solomon, "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails". (Prov. 19:21, NIV) You all know that I'm a planner. I love them. I love having things mapped out in front of me. I do not like squiggly lines, the unknown, the unexpected. I do not like not knowing.

The 'Plan', as I shall refer to it, has not gone the way it was supposed to. I had life mapped out, basically outlined, and it went awry. Certainly not because my control-freakish self had a poor map, didn't wrestle or have a back up plan (or 6). In fact, where my plans had been neatly organized and separated into cute little bins, the plan currently looks more like a fruit salad, using fruits I didn't even know existed. In the midst of it all, somewhere, is this idea that God uses everything in our lives to fulfill His plan and purpose. I guess life looks better when it's all colorful & fruity.

I love fruit salad. You get all your favorite fruits melded together, in place. I like it much less when it IS the life I'm living. I like prunes, just not in fruit salad. I don't like starfruit at all, and plantains seem unnecessary as there are already bananas. What the heck are snozberries? Willy Wonka never did tell us!  Since tomatoes are technically a fruit I guess it's okay that they get added, but Hubby hates raw tomatoes, and I just don't think they'd be good paired with grapefruit and rhubarb, and should NOT be added when cooked!

At what point do I get a say in what goes into the salad? Here is where I yank out that verse that says without a plan the people perish. I wonder if God read that verse? The Plan is currently under construction, being completely re-written, and challenging me to my very core.

I just don't know what fruit I am. Am I even a fruit or am I the bowl that holds the salad? I currently feel more like I'm the whole salad, being poured into a blender, and being turned into a smoothie. I think this depth of growth is being taken even deeper, so very quickly. Ordinarily this would be great since I possess very little patience. However, it currently feels a bit speedy - maybe we could try the pulse setting? A little at a time, so everything has a chance to settle in between? Apparently, God's purpose is that fruit salad becomes a smoothie!

I'm have a strong sense though that today is a day of high speed mixing. Today is the day where I'm poured into the blender. If I get a say in the plan, I would love to be a pina colada, or maybe even a strawberry daiquiri, opposed to a berry-banana-starfruit smoothie!

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Such a fun title right? Just invites one to read more. I read something today that really stuck with me though. It was about the pandemi...