Friday, January 20, 2017

The BIG 40

I celebrated my 40th birthday last weekend. As happens occasionally, this year it landed on Friday the 13th…..fitting right?

Even better? I confounded virtually everyone by choosing to celebrate, AND was EXCITED to celebrate the Big 40. Why you ask? The answer is quite simple – my numerical age finally caught up with the age I’ve been in my head since toddler-hood.

Virtually all my life was lived with the idea that someday I would be 40 and would look back on my life. I would either find regret, disappointment, lack, etc. OR, I would find nothing that caused regret, disappointment or missed opportunities.

Yes, I was weird, uptight, and ‘no fun’. However, today, I am alive, joyful, and filled with a sense of accomplishment. I can look at my almost 18-year-old and say with confidence that it is possible to grow up without having done a pile of things!

I know who I am in Christ, in life, and I am comfortable in my own skin. I have let go of so many unhealthy things, that the list is shrinking all the time. I don’t have to hide behind insecurity or self-doubt. There are still a few areas that I find myself wading through as they are deeper and bigger than the first round. Wisdom, maturity, and healing come as we allow growth. We are going to only get older, so we might as well make the most of it!

Considering all the life events that could have impacted my arrival at 40, I also think it’s worth celebrating that I am still here! I’ve already lived an entire lifetime of events, jobs, experiences. Just to imagine what the next 40 will look like, with all the preparation I’ve had…. Mind boggling really!

If you are not yet 40, I encourage you to embrace life NOW and begin living a life that you will be glad you lived. If you are 40+, welcome to the best years of your life! Let’s celebrate being older, wiser, more stable, and having opportunities to become whoever we always wanted to be!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Hello 2017

Can you believe its already 2017? I know I can't, mostly because the last few months of 2016 were just too much.

My father-in-law spent the last two weeks of August in a trauma ICU, and eventually passed away as a result of the injuries he sustained. Needless to say it was a very difficult time for my husband and his family.

We then had to transition to care for my mother-in-law, settling some estate issues. Since life should never be boring, we followed that up with my sister-in-law having a small stroke, me taking a tumble down the stairs and messing up my right shoulder (my dominant hand of course). Still not quite enough?

I'm going to stop the list right here as if I continued you would probably not believe it anyway. I have been off work since that weekend in August, haven't had a chance to get to blogging, and of course the holiday's were just here.

2017 began with some fun ice and snow storms, social media negativity, friends whose last few months have been as unbelievable as ours, and more on this list which makes me think even I can't believe it anymore!

I am ready though for our new normal to begin, for spring, for some cheeriness, and to get back to the things I enjoy! I've been struggling to find my word for the year, but feel like I am getting closer!!

So back to blogging, back in the Studio for creating, and re-energizing my life. If you are anything like my friends, you too are searching for refreshment, re-energizing, and a word for the year. Ready to take on whatever comes our way! Stay tuned!!!!


Such a fun title right? Just invites one to read more. I read something today that really stuck with me though. It was about the pandemi...