Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Here I Am

Here I am!! After a surprising start to our 2019, I chose to focus on my 'OLW' or one little word, 'DELIGHT'. In true life-like fashion, the best laid plans, of mice and men, came to a halt.

The 'new' plan was much less delightful than anyone could predict, imagine or quite honestly, cope with. My 1st trimester of pregnancy ended with my mom beginning to have some difficulties physically. By my 3rd trimester, we learned that my mom had very little time left with us. She passed away as June came to a close, and our son was born as July was just beginning.

As these two things intersected so closely, my husband and I were very, very blessed to have some amazing friends surround us with prayer, support, meals, comfort, and so much love. At the same time, every single plan for our year and my business, flew right out the window.

Not only did we have some, let's call them intriguing, situations within my pregnancy, we also knew that the time we had with my mom was all the time we had. I had gained enough weight that the garden wasn't a viable option, and I wouldn’t have been able to harvest it anyway. I was drained physically, mentally, and emotionally. So I let slide my 'job', in favor of my family.

While there is absolutely no regret for decisions that were made, in putting my family first, my creativity is one of the things that fill me with joy, acts as a healing balm, and of course is the heart of my business. With less time to devote to it, and not much positive inspiration for it, there was less refilling of my spirit as well.

Now, as we are in the middle of October, with a year that is more blur than reality, I am discovering a new normal. Life with an infant, which I never thought I would be blessed to experience again. Life without a mom to call every time he does something I've either forgotten babies do, or something I'm excited he's done for the 1st time.

Business, even when working from home, must look different. Time looks different. Night's filled with less sleep, days filled with chores, and the most adorable baby, whose life I want to take in so completely, make little time for long projects.

Blogging also fell to the side. To sit down and pen anything in the midst of grief, confusion, busy, etc… seemed to suck more time and energy. Honestly, no one would've wanted to read anything I was thinking anyway. Grief and the chaos that surrounds preparing for death and life at the same time, have a way of muddling an already overdone pregnant women's brain. Emotions would have been high anyway (thank you pregnancy hormones!).

Our little 3 1/2 old bundle of energy is growing every day. Our 20 year old is learning adulting in new ways. My hormones have almost adjusted back to normal, or at least what a normal 3 month post-partum normal is. In fact, the little one just woke up  and I'm trying to convince him to sit here with me while I finish up this post…that I've been working on for 3 days, since we are simultaneously teething and going through a growth spurt and closing up my mom's Fiber Shop.

So here I am. Adjusting, adapting, trusting in a plan that is definitely not my own. Now if you will excuse me, there is a diaper calling my name and then we are off to put some of last year's frozen veggies through the food processor so baby will have new things to try!

Monday, January 7, 2019

Studio Update - FINALLY

After weeks of planning, adjusting, scheduling, rescheduling, and more, we finally have all our updates and news sorted through! I have to say I am super excited about all we have planned for 2019!! New product releases, new services, and some really fun stuff!!

There is a lot to share, so I am going to highlight some announcements and product releases so you can just scroll through. Ready?

WEBSITE - Our website is still not up. Sigh..... The biggest reason for this is my computer cable broke a pile of months back, which means tons of wiggling, adjusting, and sitting perfectly still. The dilemma then becomes trying to upload everything in a timely fashion. Hopefully a new computer will solve this problem!

SMALL BATCH WOOL PROCESSING - We are launching a NEW service! After struggling to locate Mill's that would spin our Babydoll Southdown wool, we started processing it ourselves. As time progressed we realized others were having the same problem. After doing a ton of research, talking to some local Mill owners about options, and working on a special order for another Babydoll owners, we decided to begin doing Small Batch Processing. We process 100% by hand, from scouring to spinning. Fees and info can be found on our website.

HATS - Hat making has always had a special place in my heart. Years ago I looked into getting started, but put it off for a variety of reasons. This is the year!  Most will be vintage style, because that is my favorite, but we have options to add more traditional and modern as we go. Look for their release in March!

WATERCOLORS - After a terrible start in 2018, we halted our watercolor launch. Problems with lost packages, delays, and assorted other issues led to us scrapping the whole project as we ran out of time. If you follow me, you know I experimented with plant based watercolors, which despite numerous recipes, just didn't dry correctly. Additional research and trials went into place and I'm super excited to announce that in February we will be releasing our FIRST set of watercolor paints!!

DYE PLANTS - I adore natural dyes. The fact that I (you) can grow beautiful plants in the garden to use to dye fiber just thrills me! Plans are already in place to expand our herb garden once again, along with adjustments to our garden spaces to accommodate dye plants beyond what we already have. We will begin offering dried plant material as soon as it is available this fall.

FLAX - Our flax patch will be increasing in size this year as well. Flax will be available for spinners this fall.

BLOG - I have been so bad about posting regularly. I get super busy, and usually end up relying on social media to share info. To take the pressure off, I will be posting once a week from here on out, focusing on the topics most requested by my followers on social media. I have almost the whole year planned out already, which is super helpful!

BABY - So this little surprise created some difficulty in moving forward with our 2019 plans. I will be taking time off to welcome our little one from the end of June (due the 26th) into July. The hubs and I want to soak up every minute with our unexpected miracle baby. As his or her arrival gets closer, we will adjust a few things and fill you in.

FINALLY, we have reached the end of the highlights. High on my request list via social media were video's. SO, I will begin uploading videos requested! This is not my comfort zone hence my dragging my feet to do any. I enjoy in person discussions so much more. There is a value in adding these as I have found, so stay tuned!

There is so much more planned for the year that I am excited about!! Far too much to list here. If you're not following me on Social Media, I definitely encourage you to, as that has info daily, and always has a link back here to the blog!

As always, I am so thankful for followers, customers, readers, and friends who have supported us throughout our journey! 2019 is going to be an amazing year and I can't wait to share it all!!


Such a fun title right? Just invites one to read more. I read something today that really stuck with me though. It was about the pandemi...